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    1. Helen Wang Technology Acceptance Model

      The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Helen Wang is a theoretical framework used to predict and explain individuals' acceptance and adoption of technology.

    2. How to build effective online learning communities by Saurabh Tyagi

      In his article "How to build effective online learning communities," Saurabh Tyagi discusses the key factors for creating successful communities for online learning.

    3. Hazing

      Hazing refers to any activity or ritual that humiliates, harasses, or endangers individuals seeking to join or maintain membership in a group, organization, or team.

    4. Head-mounted display

      A head-mounted display (HMD) is a device worn on the head that displays virtual reality or augmented reality content.

    5. Hacktivism

      Hacktivism refers to the use of hacking techniques to promote a political or social cause or to draw attention to an issue.

    6. Hashtag activism

      Hashtag activism refers to the use of social media platforms to raise awareness and promote social or political causes through the use of hashtags.

    7. Hawthorne effect by Elton Mayo

      The Hawthorne effect, discovered by Elton Mayo, refers to the phenomenon where individuals modify their behavior in response to being observed, leading to improved performance or productivity.

    8. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

      Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is a motivation theory that suggests job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by separate sets of factors, namely motivators and hygiene factors.

    9. Heuristics

      Heuristics are mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that individuals use to make quick judgments and decisions, often based on simplified reasoning or past experiences.

    10. Hindsight bias

      Hindsight bias refers to the tendency for individuals, after an event has occurred, to perceive the event as more predictable or expected than it actually was at the time.

    11. Higher costs

      Higher costs refer to increased expenses or financial burdens incurred in a particular context or situation.

    12. Halo Effect

      The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias where one positive characteristic of a person, product, or brand significantly influences people to have a favorable overall impression of them.

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