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    1. P2Pvalue.eu

      The P2Pvalue project is a European Union funded research project that explores the potential of peer-to-peer (P2P) production and commons-based peer production (CBPP) as a viable alternative to traditional hierarchical models of production.

    2. Participative decision-making

      Participative decision-making is a process in which individuals or groups collaborate to make decisions that affect their lives or work.

    3. Peer governance

      Peer governance refers to a system of self-regulation where individuals within a group are responsible for enforcing rules and norms, rather than relying on external authorities or hierarchical structures.

    4. peer property

      Aliases: general public license, creative commons

      Peer property refers to a type of property that is shared and accessible to all members of a community, as opposed to being owned by a single individual or entity. This term is often used in the context of open-source software, where it is embodied in licenses such as the General Public License (GPL) and Creative Commons.

    5. pervasive games

      Pervasive games refer to games that take place in the real world and blend elements of gameplay with everyday life, often utilizing technology such as smartphones and GPS.

    6. power of status and authority

      The power of status and authority refers to the ability of individuals who hold high positions or have a reputation for expertise to influence and control the behavior of others.

    7. power users

      Aliases: superusers, supercontributors

      Power users or Superusers are individuals who have extensive knowledge and experience using a particular technology or software and utilize its full capabilities, often serving as expert resources within a community.

    8. Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

      "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely is a book that explores how our behavior is not always rational and how we can make better decisions by understanding our cognitive biases.

    9. Preoccupation

      Preoccupation refers to a state of being deeply engrossed or absorbed in thoughts or activities, often to the extent of neglecting other important matters.

    10. Presence

      Aliases: Telepresence

      Presence refers to the state or quality of being present or available in a particular space or environment, whether physically or virtually.

    11. principles of legitimate peripheral participation

      The "Principles of Legitimate Peripheral Participation" is a theory proposed by Lave and Wenger that describes how newcomers become proficient members of a community through learning and participation.

    12. Privacy settings

      Privacy settings refer to the tools and options that allow individuals to control who has access to their personal information in online platforms and services.

    13. Professional Member

      A professional member is an individual who has met certain qualifications and requirements in a particular field or industry and has been recognized as a member of a professional organization.

    14. protection from newcomers

      Protection in context of Building Successful Online Communities by Robert E. Kraut refers to the act of safeguarding the spirit and mission of the community from newcomers, who can be disruptive.  

    15. Psychological egoism

      Psychological egoism is a theory that suggests individuals always act out of self-interest, even when seemingly acting for the benefit of others.

    16. public participation

      Public participation refers to the involvement of the public in decision-making processes that affect their lives and communities, often through methods such as public meetings, surveys, and online forums.

    17. Performance activism

      Performance activism is a term used to describe the phenomenon of individuals engaging in activism primarily for the purpose of gaining social status or recognition, rather than as a genuine commitment to the cause.

    18. Polarization

      Polarization refers to the process of dividing or creating two opposing groups with strong, contrasting views and beliefs on a particular topic or issue.

    19. Professional network service

      A professional network service is an online platform such as LinkedIn that connects individuals from the same or different industries to create business connections, share knowledge and collaborate on projects.

    20. Participatory action research

      Participatory action research is an approach that involves collaborative research conducted by a community or stakeholders to address real-world problems, empower participants, and drive social change.

    21. Personal influence

      Personal influence refers to the power and impact individuals have on shaping the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of others through their persuasive abilities, expertise, status, or social connections.

    22. Persuasion

      Persuasion refers to the deliberate attempt to influence someone's attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors through the use of communication techniques and strategies.

    23. Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prison study

      Philip Zimbardo's Stanford prison study was a psychological experiment that demonstrated the powerful impact of social roles and situational factors on individual behavior, revealing the potential for abuses of power and the importance of ethical considerations.

    24. Points (virtual points to spend in store)

      Points, in the context of an online store, refer to virtual currency or credits that customers can accumulate and spend on products or services as a form of loyalty or reward program.

    25. Policy analysis

      Policy analysis involves evaluating and assessing the effectiveness, implications, and potential alternatives of public policies to inform decision-making and improve policy outcomes.

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