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I know this sounds like a strange question, but you sometimes get a member who cares too much!

Is that a bad problem? Usually these members are very involved, very active, post great suggestions and feedback. That can be great for your site's engagement. 

But can it be too much? On the other hand, these members can start acting like they co-run the community or that they know more about running the site.  They publicly  challenge your leadership or competency. 

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Do you have members who care too much

Posted (edited)
On 10/1/2023 at 2:01 PM, JoelR said:

these members can start acting like they co-run the community

If they are simply admonishing others to follow the rules, then these ones could be potential moderators in the future. They clearly are invested in the community and care.


these members can start acting like ... they know more about running the site. They publicly  challenge your leadership or competency. 

These ones usually get their posts edited and receive Warning Points, lol


Edited by dismalbliss
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I wouldn't say that I mind having members who care too much about the community I run as I feel that can have its benefits and also help me find issues that I may not have found myself. 

Some members like this though can get too much and it can seem as though they bring up every little thing no matter how small just to try and take over rather than help, those are the members I am not too keen on. 



There have been many occasions where I have had members who have cared too much about things in my community. 

I wouldn't go as far as to say it annoys me as I do appreciate community members who care enough to give feedback that will help my community but in some cases, depending on how the community member approached it, I have felt as though they have done it to try and take over or take the lead rather than help out. 


If you have members who seem to care too much I often see that as they have faith in what you are doing and would like to help out to ensure that your community thrives and does well. 

Some can be a little too caring and it can come across as though they are taking over and I can understand why that may be an issue. 

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