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Do you remember your first website?

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Something I always remember was the very first website I created, I mean we all have to start somewhere, right? 

I remember my first website being a fan website made on Geocities for a band that I was a huge fan of at the time, after that I ventured out to creating more websites, learning HTML and CSS before jumping into building up forums and communities. 

Do you remember your first website? 

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I made my first website in 2007, it was on blogspot. I created the website to republish my newspaper articles, the website did not live for long, I shut it down. However, my first self hosted website was created in 2015. Both websites used my first name for the domain name. I sold this website a couple of years ago.

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On 1/25/2024 at 1:53 PM, Shortie said:

Something I always remember was the very first website I created, I mean we all have to start somewhere, right? 

I remember my first website being a fan website made on Geocities for a band that I was a huge fan of at the time, after that I ventured out to creating more websites, learning HTML and CSS before jumping into building up forums and communities. 

Do you remember your first website? 

Geocities was so cool!

New site, new WordPress stack, new newsletter, same me – Martha Henson

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I did not know about Geocities when I decided to create my first website. My first website was on a free blogging platform and website builders. However, I did not continue with my websites because I was busy on third party blogging platforms. It took me almost 8 years to create my first self hosted website after I built my first website on free blogging platform.

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I remember my very first website very well, it was a blog that I started years ago based on my day-to-day life. I loved writing about the things I did each day and found that the site gained quite a bit of traffic over time. Unfortunately, my life got too hectic and I closed the blog. 

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