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One of the things that I'm looking at is IPBoard (I guess they're called Invision community now?) is their feature of non-forum pages.  I am familiar with CMS builders from vBulletin

It looks like you can write Articles, FAQ, and Reviews.  

How many of you have non-forum pages, in addition to the forum?  

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Hello @iHuxley

With IPS 4.7, there is a very steep learning curve for non-coders like me. Having said that, Pages are being completely overhauled in v5, which is coming out very soon (there is advanced beta testing going on now).

I have managed to create some pages with v4.7 - I managed to come up with my own way of doing this. I have, belatedly, found what I think is an easier way to create properly formatted Pages. I could (for what it is worth) detail here what I did here if you do not wish to wait for v5, and point you to the Admin features I originally missed which might be worth assessing (I've not yest tested them myself).

But yeah. V5 promises to be a much better experience for creating additional content.

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One of the biggest factors that initially attracted me to IPS is not that they develop a forum.  There are plenty of other organizations and companies that develop bulletin boards, forums, and discussions across multiple platforms.  What attracted me is that IPS gave me the ability to build things outside of my forum, and that's always been part of my strategy.  In my main community, over 90% of my site's traffic does not flow through my forums; it runs through my other content hubs (like Gallery and Downloads). The Forums app is incredibly powerful at retaining existing members and giving them a sense of community - it's literally the gathering place for returning members to mingle and chat - but for new members or single-purpose users, it's the rest of my community that attracts.   

Pages is incredibly powerful.  I've always believed that it is, hands-down, the most powerful application in the IPS ecosystem but also the one that most clients never understand.  

On Invisioneer, we've used the database features of Pages to create multiple resource hubs: https://www.invisioneer.org/resources/.  Except for Courses (which uses the actual IPS app for Courses), all of the others are developed using the database feature of Pages.  

If you are a new or an existing IPS client, I encourage you to gain as much familiarity with the Pages app as possible.  Your mind will be blown at the kinds of things you can do to build content sections of articles, guides, directories, and more.  

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