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Five Types of Buyers and How to Persuade Them to Buy

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Marketing does not mean just to put your product in front of your customers, you also need to generate sales. To generate sales, it is important to have a deep understanding of your customers. One of the easiest ways to understand your customers is by categorizing them and use effective approach tailored to persuade your customers to make them purchase.

1. Investors: These individuals view products as investments, they buy products that offer long term benefits. To persuade them, focus on highlighting the durability of your product.

2. Savers: Savers are driven by finding the best deal and saving as much money as possible. You can convince these buyers by emphasizing that you are offering competitive price and the also the best value for money.

3. Big Spenders: These people are willing to spend a significant amount of money on a variety of items. You can capture their attention by showcasing the range and quality of your products.

4. Debtors: These are budget shoppers, they buy with caution, and always try to manage expenses carefully. To persuade them, demonstrate how your product fits in their pockets.

5. Shoppers: These are impulsive buyers who enjoy exploring and purchasing a wide range of products. You can attract them by focusing on the variety and uniqueness of your offerings.

By understanding the different types, marketing becomes effective as conversion are more frequent.

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Persuasion is a great skill. If you can persuade people to buy, you can generate sale. Persuasion technique works on almost all fields. For instance, as a community owner, if you can persuade people to join your site and if you can persuade them to remain active, you will become successful with your community.

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On 5/8/2024 at 12:12 PM, Maria said:

Persuasion is a great skill. If you can persuade people to buy, you can generate sale. Persuasion technique works on almost all fields. For instance, as a community owner, if you can persuade people to join your site and if you can persuade them to remain active, you will become successful with your community.

Persuasion works only when you are offering the right product to the right people. No matter how good you are at persuasion, you might not be able to sell a comb to a bald man. But you can easily sell the same product to a man who has hair with a little bit of persuasion.

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Before you understand your buyers, you should understand your product. What kind of product you have. When you know your product, it will be easier to find your customers. For instance, if you have a product that can only be used once, would you be able to attract investors? If your product is very expensive, would you be able to attract savers? Certainly not

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