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How to Build a Career in Marketing

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No matter what line of profession or business you are in, having marketing skills help you to become successful. Let’s say you are a writer, if you are able to market yourself, you will earn better prospects. Let’s say you are a video creator, if you can market your videos to build audience, you become successful. Marketing is essential skill for all careers and profession, even so for making money online. Digital marketing offers great opportunities for income generation. Whether you want to build your career in marketing or market your products and services to earn better, the following tips will help you:

Get certificates

Enhance your skills by enrolling in various online courses. For instance you can try Google certification courses on marketing and advertising. You can also join courses on Hubpages, LinkedIn, Udemy, etc. These certifications can add credibility to your profile and increase your chances of success in the field.

Build a Website

One of the first steps to getting started in marketing is to have your own website. Your website will help you to market products or services and earn from your site, as well as establish your credibility as a marketer.

Social Media Presence

Build a strong presence on multiple social media platforms, create and share content, build a huge following.

Join Freelance Markets

Create accounts on freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr and offer your marketing services.

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If you want to become a marketer, you need a couple of things, for instance, marketing skills, which includes creating marketing materials and networking; you need audience, you can build audience on social media (followers) video sharing sites (subscribers), online communities (members), etc.; last but not the least you need knowledge about the marketing platform you intend to use.

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Not everyone needs to build a career  in marketing, however, everyone who are working online either as a freelancer, website owner, or an entrepreneur needs knowledge in SEO and digital marketing. Without knowing SEO and Digital Marketing, and without implementing SEO and Digital Marketing tactics, it is not possible to become successful. Digital Marketing involves a lot of things and if you are confused, just concentrate on building followers on social media.

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