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Selling Merch

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Have you tried selling merch through your online communities? I have seen some online communities selling merch, I have seen staff these communities posting photo with the merch item, however, I do not know whether these communities are making profits or not. I am yet to try this method.

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I have seen some forums selling merch but I have not tried this monetization method yet. There are a lot of platforms that you can integrate on your site to start selling merch. You do not have any upfront costs and you can easily make $5-$10 profit per sale. However, question is whether you have enough  user base to by your merch.

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I have not tried this on communities but I have explored this monetization method on my blogs. I have sold a couple of items. If you have a lot of organic traffic, you might be able to sell merch on your blog. Communities rarely get organic traffic, it mainly gets traffic from users and if you have loyal users, you might be able to sell merch.

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  • 2 months later...

I have not tried selling merch through my online communities but I have in the past attempted to sell merch that I had made for my video game content creation. 

If marketed correctly, you can find yourself getting some sales for your merch but it is not something that can happen overnight. 

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On 4/27/2024 at 3:49 AM, Shortie said:

I have not tried selling merch through my online communities but I have in the past attempted to sell merch that I had made for my video game content creation. 

If marketed correctly, you can find yourself getting some sales for your merch but it is not something that can happen overnight. 

Yes, it cannot happen over night. If you have a community with a lot of active users who genuinely cares about your community, you might be able to generate sales. For blogs and other websites, organic traffic is the key to generate sales.

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