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How does music affect you?

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In my teen years, music could easily change my mood, however, as I am growing old, music can only entertain me when I am in a mood to get entertainment, it cannot change my mood. When I am sad, music cannot make me happy.

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I have always found music to be amazing! Not only does it help motivate me but it can also help lift my mood too and that is very much needed on most days for so many. 

I listen to music on a daily no matter what I am doing and couldn't be without music. 

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I am a huge music lover and never go a day without listening to some kind of music that I enjoy. 

Music has a great way of uplifting us and motivating us, it is quite amazing how music can have that effect on someone but it is great that we have that option. 

I enjoy listening to music no matter what I am doing and have found that I get more done when I have music playing. 

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Music has been something that has helped me stay motivated when working from home. It is so easy to become distracted when working from home but when I pop in my ear buds, turn some music on and focus on my work, I find I get so much more done than I would if I wasn't listening to music. 

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