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Expertise is the level of knowledge and skill in a particular area.  It's usually conveyed by an independent assessment of you skills, such as designations, certifications, or outside commendations.  


1. How do you demonstrate or show either your expertise or your community's expertise? 

2. How do you show experts within the community? Do you rely on badges or icons, or do you use more dynamic signals like # of solved questions

This topic is targeted to the communities of solopreneurs where you're building your own brand or audience, but it's applicable to any community of success.  

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I am not an expert on any subject or niche. I also do not expect experts to become my community users. Well, having experts certainly is good but I do not think it is easy to have expert on your community niche. Community is a user generated content site and it thrives on the content created and shared by normal users.

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I am running a community on Business, Finance and Investment niche. I am not an expert on these topics but I have studied these topics in the university and I have own multiple businesses in the past. When I share, I do not share expert advice, I share what I know best from my own experience and knowledge. I am trying to build my community for experts as well as general users interested in these niches.

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5 hours ago, Nomad said:

I am running a community on Business, Finance and Investment niche. I am not an expert on these topics but I have studied these topics in the university and I have own multiple businesses in the past. When I share, I do not share expert advice, I share what I know best from my own experience and knowledge. I am trying to build my community for experts as well as general users interested in these niches.

Those are very broad topics.  For just Finance, I can think of multiple subtopics ... Personal finance, credit cards, mortgages, corporate finance, real estate, crypto, retirement planning, healthcare finance, etc. 

How do you build a community when youre so broad? 

What differentiates you from Reddit, which has threads on each of these topics (with many more users)? 

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I know a few things. Some I studied while at school, some I trained myself on and some I learned through the internet. I have been focusing on what I learned through the internet in the past few years. These include creating graphics to generating Android apps.



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If you want to become successful, online or offline, you need to have expertise on certain subject. It could be anything, writing, marketing, graphic designing, programming, etc. Even when you want to run a blog, a forum, or even a video channel, if you are an  expert and if you share your expertise, it is easier to become successful.

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