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  • Ethics & Law

    Ethics and law

    12 articles in this category

    1. The Intricate Balance of Honesty and Success in Online Communities

      While dishonesty can yield profits in business, Amar Bhidé and Howard H. Stevenson's study reveals that honesty is more of a moral choice than a strategic one, as the economic incentives for truthfulness are not always clear-cut.

    2. How to Write a Code of Conduct?

      Elements of a Code of Conduct for an online community.

    3. Concepts of Online Safety

      • Cognitive Development and Age Restrictions: Age restrictions align with cognitive development milestones, safeguarding younger users from potential risks in online communities.
      • Risk-Taking Behavior and Adolescents: Recognizing adolescent risk-taking behavior due to brain development can inform strategies for guiding underage users toward age-appropriate spaces.
      • Behavioral Feedback and Content Moderation: Applying behavioral psychology principles, such as consequences for rule violations and positive reinforcement, can promote community compliance and safety.
    4. Human Behavior in Online Communities

      • Social Norms and Reciprocity: Online behavior should align with social norms, fostering respect and reciprocity among community members.
      • Identity and Anonymity: Anonymity online can lead to both positive and negative behavior, impacting digital reputation and identity.
      • Altruism and Community Building: Online communities thrive when members engage with altruistic behavior, contributing to a sense of belonging and cohesion.
    5. Why Enforcing Rules is Important in Your Online Community?

      • Norms and Social Behavior: Enforcing community norms and rules aligns with behavioral economics, where individuals adhere to social norms to fit in and be accepted.
      • Social Contracts and Trust: Upholding rules in online communities is akin to preserving a social contract, fostering trust among members who appreciate a safe and predictable environment.
      • Incentives and Deterrence: Consistent rule enforcement acts as a deterrent, discouraging inappropriate behavior, much like real-world consequences deter unlawful actions.
      • Behaviors to Monitor: Enforce rules against harmful behavior, violence, threats, and privacy breaches to protect community members and maintain a positive atmosphere.
    6. Why Should I Have a Code of Conduct?

      • Mission Statement: The code of conduct should begin with a mission statement, aligning with behavioral economics, to explain the community's goals and foster member engagement.
      • Expectations and Social Norms: It defines expected behavior, akin to social norms, and outlines consequences, ensuring a positive and respectful community atmosphere.
      • Discipline Process: The code of conduct clarifies how rule violations will be handled, promoting transparency, consistency, and preventing issues proactively.
    7. What are community standards and why do we need them within an online community?

      Community standards, also known as community guidelines or rules, play a crucial role in maintaining order, promoting inclusivity, protecting vulnerable members, preventing abuse, and fostering a positive online community environment.

    8. What should you consider when you bring on volunteer staff for your community?

      Hiring staff should be something you take seriously when it comes to your community. Here we explain certain things you should do and be careful of when hiring staff for your community. 

    9. My staff opened a competitor community and are stealing my members. What do I do?

      No community owner wants to see staff stealing community members. Here is what you can do if that happens. 

    10. A member is bullying members of my community. How do I proceed?

      Bullying online is something we can not stay away from but how do we deal with it in our communities?

    11. Members of my community plagiarize the same content across other communities. What do I do?

      Managing a forum or online community often involves dealing with members who engage in repetitive copy-pasting across various platforms, which can harm community integrity and SEO. It's crucial to establish rules against this practice and implement effective preventive measures.

    12. Members of my community are stealing my article content for their blog. What do I do?

      As a forum owner, safeguarding your community's content from theft is crucial to maintain the integrity of your platform. Content theft can be a common challenge, but there are effective steps you can take to address it.

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