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27 files

  1. This application will automatically detect user location and update the currency based on user IP address.
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  2. This application lets you send Custom PMs for Commerce Products, similar to how Custom Emails work. Custom PMs are subject to a custom notification option, if it's disabled nothing is sent.

    Custom PMs are sent out at the same time as Custom Emails. Custom PMs can be set per product: Purchase, Expire Soon, Expire. Both the subject and content for all three PMs are fully translatable. Admins can set up the default notification value in ACP, and members can update their notification option choice anytime. Notes:
    Each purchase entitles you to use the modification on a single Community installation.
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  3. This application lets you group license keys purchased in the same invoice into a single product.
    The grouping works in the "Manage Purchases" page and while viewing the "Product" page itself.
    The grouping works by default for all licenses. ACP setting to disable the grouping for specific types of licenses. Option to download a CSV file of all license keys at once.
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  4. This application will automatically update package prices based on today's currency rate, in case you accept more than one payment currency.
    It's helpful to keep the prices of your products up-to-date according to each currency rate, especially when you have many products.
    Please note:
    This application requires IP.Commerce app installed. The update task runs daily, so the prices are updated once a day. The update task will not affect current purchases in case you set up renewal terms. The application uses the currencyapi service  to retrieve currency rates.  CurrencyAPI service offers a free API key that can serve 300 requests/month. From the app settings you must set a valid API key and Base currency that will be used to retrieve other currencies' amounts. IMPORTANT: If you set discounts for multiple currencies, you must ensure that the values are filled. The app will not update discounts. 
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  5. PayByLink.pl - accept online banking payments with ease on your community with our PayByLink Payment Gateway!
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  6. dPay.pl Payment Gateway
    Accept Bank, Credit Card, PayPal & PaySafeCard payments with ease with our dpay.pl Payment Gateway.
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  7. Codepixel's Free Files in Category for Subscribers
    Commerce Downloads This application allows you to specify, which subscription package can download files without paying in specific category, all you have to do is create subscription and select it in Subscription override tab in Category settings.
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  8. This resource will provide administrators with information about the revenue generated for each file in their installation, broken down by currency.
    Administrators have the option to export search results to a CSV file, including valuable details such as invoice and payment gateway data.
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  9. This application will allow your community users to send/receive nexus app account credits between each other.
    This application requires IP.Commerce app to be installed.
    Application scenario:
    User A send credit of $5 to user B. User B is notified by this movement, and asked to confirm. Once User B confirm (Unfreez), the amount is deducted from User A and added to user B. Admin has the authority to refund or cancel the transaction.
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  10. This app adds  the Wishlist feature to the Commerce app and has the following features:
    Add and remove the Wishlist items as Ajax
    Use the default color
    Change the color of the Add to Wishlist button
    Change the color of the Remove from Wishlist button
    Enable / Disable the Wishlist Icon
    Enable / Disable the Wishlist Text
    Save wishlist items for members and guests
    Move the guest user wishlist to the corresponding table after login
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  11. This app allows you to add product reviews everywhere you want as a widget and show product reviews by Random or Specific Product(s) as a Slideshow(carousel), using tons of customization options. let's take a look at the options.
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  12. Using Quick Donate you can easily allow your community to receive donations through Paypal from your visitors through a widget which can be placed in header, footer & sidebar locations.
    Easy to setup. Widget works with both head/footer and sidebar zones. Sandbox mode for testing. Set allowed donation amounts or use custom amounts. Set allowed currencies. Set return URL. Force Paypal to specified localization. Visibility settings. Set text on widget and dialog. Usable on small screens. IPS 4.4.x / IPS 4.5.x / IPS 4.6.x
    If you have suggestions for Quick Donate, we’d be happy to hear them via the forums: bbcode.it
    The cost of this plugin covers the ongoing support of the product and future development. You can request support via support topic or PM.
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  13. This plugin will show, to the file submitter, the default IPS 4.3 message when their file isn't available to be purchased. Currently, it shows to everyone, except the file submitter.
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  14. This resource will allow users to purchase a file by paying a price they judge fair. The file will continue to have its normal price but the file submitter will be able to set a minimum price for it, thus users won't pay less than that.
    Admin will set which user groups can enable this feature in their files per category. Settings:
    Payment Methods Tax Class Commission for Site Transaction Fee for Site
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  15. This application will help admins monetize their boards by allowing users to pay to have topics pinned for a given number of days. Admin can allow topics to be pinned per forum and per group settings.
    - Per forum settings:
    Enabled Groups allowed to pay to pin topics Amounts Amount to pin for 7 days Amount to pin for 15 days Amount to pin for 1 month Amount to pin for 2 months Amount to pin for 3 months Amount to pin for 6 months - Settings:
    Member should only request to pin their own topics Commerce: Payment method Tax Class - Per member restriction:
    Can request to pin topics - Per group restrictions:
    Number of content count to submit pin requests Number of reputation points to submit pin requests Number of days as a member to submit pin requests - Note:
    An invoice will be generated and the topic will be pinned once payment is received. In the meantime, the topic will not be available to be pinned by anyone else. There's a Commerce setting to define a number of days the invoice can expire (ACP -> Commerce -> Invoices -> Invoice Settings -> Invoices must be paid within). You must change the default value (30 days) to something that fits your needs.
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  16. Based visually in the My Paid Files page from IPS Marketplace, this plugin will allow file submitters to view a list of purchasers of their files and optionally adds the ability for file submitters to add manual purchases for their files.
    Files per page on the index listing Purchases per page on file view Display purchasers If disabled, file submitter will not be able to view who bought their files Groups allowed to use this feature Allow file submitters to generate manual purchases for their files Allow file submitters to enable/disable purchases in their resources
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  17. This resource will allow administrators to display a low stock notice when the product stock level reaches a predefined level.
    Per product configuration:
    Enable low stock notice in the product Show stock level in the notice: LOW STOCK - X left! If disabled, only 🔥 LOW STOCK will be displayed. Minimum stock level to display the notice  
    Commerce required configuration:
    Your product has to have a stock in ACP -> Commerce -> edit your product -> Stock & Price Adjustments tab -> Amount in stock and it cannot be UNLIMITED. Show Stock Levels? setting has to be enabled: ACP -> Commerce -> Settings -> Stock -> Show Stock Levels?.  
    Example of usage:
    You can set a specific product to display the notice when it reaches 10 items in the stock; so from 10 to 1 it will display the notice, example: 🔥 LOW STOCK - 3 left!
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  18. This resource will allow members to purchase files for other members. A new option to choose a member will show up on the checkout screen for those who can buy for others.
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  19. Ability to choose which type of content per category: only Raffles, only Giveaways or both Up to 100 prizes per raffle/giveaway (category setting) Restrictions members participation per raffle/giveaway by: Tickets per member (raffles only) Number of participants Content count Reputation points/likes Number of days as a member Groups Multiple participants per raffle/giveaway (participants can buy more than one ticket (raffle only) to increase their odds) Unlimited categories of raffles/giveaways with permissions, and extra fields, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions, and extra fields Category Icons Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee, and commission and use multi-currencies Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display raffle prices Raffles Management on ACP: a place where admins can control the status of raffles: activate raffle, change expiration date, and perform mod actions like pin/unpin, lock/unlock, etc Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit raffles Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approved content items must have to access the app, and restrict X raffles/giveaways by a period of time (day, week, month, and year) Robust Admin CP Restrictions Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer The ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates to: Activity Streams Share Links Tag/Prefixs system Notifications such as new raffles/giveaways, etc Follow System for raffles/giveaways and categories Announcements Advertisements Search system ACP Live Seach (categories) Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Raffles, Comments and Reviews Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts More...
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  20. This application will allow you to charge your members to feature their files in IPDownloads for set time periods
    Allow uploaders to feature their file ( At a cost ) Create unlimited packages with different amounts of times the file is featured for As soon as the purchase is complete the file will be featured The file will be unfeatured after the purchase has expired Set renewals to allow the members to keep their files featured
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  21. This application will allow you to charge your members to feature their clubs for set times, Seeing as your members can now charge people to join their club, I thought it might be a good idea to allow them to advertise their clubs via the featured settings
    Allow club owners to feature their clubs ( At a cost ) Create unlimited packages with different amounts of times the club is featured for As soon as the purchase is complete the club will be featured The club will be unfeatured after the purchase has expired Set renewals to allow the members to keep their club featured Show a widget with a list of featured clubs to place anywhere on your site
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  22. This plugin will change the look of your store ( COMMERCE ), and will add a single index page for all products and categories, you can choose to allow your members to filter and sort the products in various kind of ways
    Adds multiple tabs showing all product categories with items for sale in Choose to either display small or large boxes for the products Choose to either display All Products or Featured Products as the main tab Allow your members to sort the products by Name Price High to Low Price Low to High Rating  Allow your members to filter the products by Price Minimum Rating Only Products In Stock Your Custom Category Filters ( This is only available when viewing a category and not the main tab ) Sorting or filtering will not cause the page to reload and you can sort & filter in multiple ways at the same time
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  23. This application will allow your members to create coupon codes to offer discounts on their files within the downloads application
    Main Features
    Coupons Select what user groups can create coupons ( This is found in the user group settings of the ACP ) Create unlimited coupons Choose to discount either monetary values or a percentage of the price Monetary values work in all your used currencies A maximum of 90% discount is allowed when using a percentage A coupon's discount CAN NOT exceed the price of the file, if it does then it will not work when trying to redeem that coupon on said file This could happen if the member sets for example a $10 discount on all files and one of their files only cost $8 Select a start time so members can create future coupon's Select a expiration time with the option of not expire Select the maximum uses allowed for each coupon with an option of unlimited uses Select the maximum times each member can use the coupon with an option of unlimited uses Select what user groups can use each coupon Select what files the coupon will work with with an option of all files Members can only select their own files Coupons created by X member WILL NOT work on Y member files If a member sets a maximum use to their coupon the value of the uses will subtract when an invoice is created and will increase if the invoice gets canceled Coupon Usage ( Lets members keep track of their coupons via the Coupon Usage page ) View all coupons used by members Shows the member who used the coupon Shows the file name Shows the original price of the file Shows the discount value Shows the discounted value Shows if the invoice is paid or pending
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  24. This resource will allow members to create crowdfunding projects on your board.
    Requirement: Commerce: https://invisionpower.com/features/commerce Money donated: Money donated goes to the project author via Account Credit. Each purchase entitles you to use Crowdfunding on one Community installation. Features:
    Ability to allow NO TARGET projects per category Unlimited categories of projects with permissions,  extra fields, plus the unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings, permissions, and extra fields Category Image and Icons. Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee, and comission and use multi-currencies Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display project goal Per member settings: Allows to access the app Allows to submit projects Per group settings: Allows to access the app How many approved content items must have to access the app Restrict X projects by a period of time (day, week, month and year) Robust Admin CP Restrictions The ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates to: Activity Streams Share Links Tag/Prefixs system Notifications: Default ones (such as new project, follow category, etc.) When someone donates to a project you created Follow System for projects and categories Search system ACP Live Seach (categories) Moderating system, which all common permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc., for Projects, Comments, and Reviews Ability to create RSS feeds for all projects More...  
    Raffles System Members who donate to the project will earn a ticket to a Raffle chosen by the project submitter Project submitter will be able to choose only their own raffles Members Shop  Users will earn points when donating to a project
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  25. Requirements:
    Forums app. Commerce app. This resource will provide a new way to monetize your board by charging a fee from members to start new topics. The topic created will remain hidden until the payment is processed.
    Per forum features:
    Enable the charge Amount to charge Groups to charge Settings:
    Number of topics per page on ACP topics list, ACP member profile, and public member profile Message style to use in the topic post screen to alert the user about the charge Allow users to pay with Account Credit Payment Methods Tax Class Features:
    Module on ACP to list all paid topics and their status (paid/not paid) Tab on ACP member profile to list all topics paid created by the member and their status (paid/not paid) Tab on public member profile to list all topics paid created by the member and their status (paid/not paid) Notifications: To admins: When a new topic is created and the payment is pending To topic author: When the payment is processed and the topic is approved  
    NOTE: Guests can't use the feature due to the Post Before Registering. It will require further tests. It may be added on a future version.
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