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  • Welcome to Invisioneer

    We help online community managers and forum administrators build great online communities. Discover one of the largest, free resources for online community management. Discuss, Learn, and Be Inspired.  

    Good communities become great at Invisioneer.

  • Converse with other forum admins, community leaders, and Invision Community (IPS) clients. 

  • Browse, shop, and be inspired in the third-party Marketplace Directory for Invision Community (IPS) to find themes, mods, and more.

  • Educate and empower yourself with some of the world's largest databases of community management resources. 

  • By Toni
    When we start to build out a community, one of the things we hope to ensure is not only the longevity but also the sustainability of our community. This is something that whilst possible, is not always easy to accomplish and can be difficult for some if not taken into account.  Thinking about a community you lead now, what methods are you currently using to ensure the longevity and sustainability of that community? 
  • By Toni
    Some of us may be in the beginning stages of our communities and others may be in the later stages of their communities, whether your community is brand new or a few years old, we all have a vision of where we would like to see our communities in say the next five years.  Taking a look at your community as it is now and looking to the future, where do you see your community within the next five years? Do you hope to have achieved anything in particular?   
  • By Toni
    As community owners, some of us if not all of us will more than likely create goals that we would like to achieve within our community, this could be anything from the number of registered members to the number of posts made within a week, month or year.  Depending on the kind of community we have and what we expect from our community will depend on the goals we set for ourselves.  Do you currently have any goals set for your community at the moment? If you do, what are they? 
  • By ReyDev
    As a developer on this platform, I want to know your opinions of the members of this platform. Are you willing to buy new 3rd-party apps? Considering that quality apps/themes are produced that really improve your community and meet your needs. Before the market was closed, I had a big plan to develop each part of this platform. I also decided to produce new things needed by every community. For example, LMS has been completed and is being developed, as well as other apps that I don't know if I
  • By Toni
    Most of us when we start a community tend to be looking at the future and the possibility of monetizing our community.  When it comes to monetization, the last thing we want to do is make it so that the user experience is compromised, this is something we want to heavily avoid if we can. Do you have any effective strategies that would allow community leaders to monetize their community but steer clear of compromising the user experience? 
  • By Toni
    Gamification features are popular in today's online world when it comes to online communities. They are often used to encourage community members to engage and participate in the community in return for rewards and other gamification options that may be available.  Have you implemented gamification features in your community? How are they working out for you? 
  • By Toni
    As community leaders ourselves, most of us will have already decided whether we want to be hosted by a hosting company or self-host our community.  When it comes to deciding on hosted and self-hosted options, you would have to consider what is needed for the forum software you are looking into using.  What do you believe are some key factors to consider when choosing between hosted and self-hosted forum solutions? 
  • By Toni
    The look and style of your community, whilst it may be important, also should not be something that is overly worked on.  Having a community with a basic look and feel is much of the time what most people are looking for being that they use the community for help and support a lot of the time.  Do you offer a basic look for your community or are you someone who prefers to go all out when it comes to a theme? 
  • By Dilip
    Do you think vendors support our freedom to switch software? How open are importers when it comes to customer preference?
  • By Destiny
    IPS is a forum software I have used in the past and I love just how far the software has come over the years to offer so much for community leaders.  Whilst IPS offers many options to community leaders and builders, I often wonder if there is more they could offer that would be beneficial to those who use IPS.  Are there any options you would like to see added to IPS that would help your community? 
  • By Destiny
    Achieving activity within a forum whilst it is possible, can also be difficult, especially if you are looking to gain consistent activity within the community you lead.  Having strategies in place to help you stay consistent that will encourage activity is always great to have in place but depending on the kind of community leader you are, these kinds of strategies could vary.  What strategies do you use to encourage activity within your community? 
  • By Destiny
    Owning your community and leading that community gives a great feeling but it can be so easy to forget the important things such as finding ways or even having methods to help foster a sense of belonging so that your community members feel welcomed and like they are appreciated and wanted around your community.  When it comes to fostering a sense of belonging within your community, what methods do you as a leader use? 
  • This application will allow you to share content (items, comments, and reviews) on Flipboard.

  • Traducción al Español México para IPS Community Suite 4.7.16

    Aplicaciones traducidas:

    Esta traducción se empezó desde 0 y me tomo alrededor de 6 meses el poder terminarla.

    La traducción se empezó en la versión 4.7.7 y desde entonces se fue modificando para cada una de las versiones posteriores.

    La traducción es del 100% de todos los textos, la traducción de los rangos y las insignias es necesario hacerla desde la administración de las mismas, no se pueden traducir desde el paquete de idiomas.

    En el paquete se incluyen todas las aplicaciones de forma separada y en un solo archivo, tambien se incluyen 2 archivos txt con la traduccion de los Rangos y Logros.


    Translation to Spanish Mexico for IPS Community Suite 4.7.16

    Translated applications:

    This translation was started from scratch and it took me about 6 months to finish it.

    The translation was started in version 4.7.7 and since then it was modified for each of the later versions.

    The translation is 100% of all texts, the translation of the ranks and badges must be done from the administration of the same, they cannot be translated from the language pack.

    In the package are included all the applications separately and in a single file, also are included 2 txt files with the translation of the Ranks and Achievements.

    Capturadepantalla2024-03-17201036.png.a2d6c72792e3e89a02d6d2aecabad9ee.png  Capturadepantalla2024-03-17201111.png.57a6d2c4aaf700cfded061f9a765deb5.png





  • Bu Türkçe dil paketi, Invision Community için tam bir paket halinde IPSTheme tarafından çevrilmiştir.

    Bu dil paketi sayesinde aşağıdaki uygulamalar %100 oranında Türkçe'ye çevrilmiştir:

    • System (Sistem),
    • Forums (Forumlar),
    • Pages (Sayfalar),
    • Downloads (İndirmeler),
    • Gallery (Galeri),
    • Commerce (E-Ticaret),
    • Blogs (Bloglar),
    • Events (Etkinlikler),
    • Converter (Dönüştürücü).

    Ana Özellikler:

    Tam Çeviri: Uygulamaların her yönü titizlikle çevrilmiş olup, kullanıcılara %100 Türkçe bir dil deneyimi sunar. Kullanıcı ara yüzünden yönetim paneline kadar her şeyi kapsayan bu çeviri ile topluluğunuz, Türkçe konuşulan bir ortamda kolayca gezinebilir.

    Kültürel Entegrasyon: Çevirimiz sadece kelimelerle sınırlı değil; forum kültürünü benimsedik ve düzgün ve otantik bir deneyim sunmak için çalıştık. Kullanıcıların dilini sadece konuşan değil, çevrimiçi topluluk alışkanlıklarını da anlayan bir dil paketi ile kullanıcılarınızla etkileşim kurun.

    Sorunsuz Fonksiyonellik: Bu dil paketi ile topluluğunuzun sorunsuz çalışacağından emin olabilirsiniz. Dil bariyerlerinin, etkileşimi veya anlayışı engellemesine son verin; bu paket, platformunuzun Türkçe olarak sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışmasını sağlar.

    Niçin Türkçe Dil Paketi?

    Topluluk Dahil Ediciliği: Türkçe konuşanları da içine alan geniş bir topluluğa hoş geldiniz. Dil çeşitliliğini değer veren, çeşitli ve kapsayıcı bir ortamı teşvik edin.

    Kullanıcı Memnuniyeti: Tam Türkçe çeviri sunarak kullanıcı memnuniyetini artırın. Ana dilinde kullanıcı dostu bir arayüz, kullanıcı deneyimini ve bağlılığı iyileştirir.

    Küresel Erişim: Platformunuzu küresel bir kitleye açın. Türkçe konuşanlarla dünya çapında bağlantı kurma şansınız bir adım daha yakın.

    Yükleme talimatları ile ilgili belgeleri aşağıdaki bağlantıda bulabilirsiniz.

    Hazır bir dil paketi yükleme



    This Turkish language pack has been meticulously translated as a complete package for Invision Community by IPSTheme.

    Thanks to this language pack, the following applications have been translated into Turkish at a 100% rate:

    • System
    • Forums
    • Pages
    • Downloads
    • Gallery
    • Commerce
    • Blogs
    • Events
    • Converter

    Key Features:

    Full Translation: Every aspect of the applications has been translated with precision, providing users with a 100% Turkish language experience. From the user interface to the admin panel, this translation covers everything, allowing your community to navigate easily in a Turkish-speaking environment.

    Cultural Integration: Our translation goes beyond mere words; we have embraced forum culture and worked to provide a smooth and authentic experience. Engage with your users using a language pack that not only speaks their language but also understands their online community habits.

    Seamless Functionality: With this language pack, you can be confident that your community will operate seamlessly. Eliminate language barriers that hinder interaction or understanding; this pack ensures that your platform runs smoothly in Turkish.

    Why Choose the Turkish Language Pack?

    Community Inclusivity: Welcome a diverse community that includes Turkish speakers. Encourage an environment that values linguistic diversity.

    User Satisfaction: Enhance user satisfaction by offering a complete Turkish translation. A user-friendly interface in their native language improves user experience and loyalty.

    Global Outreach: Open your platform to a global audience. With the Turkish Language Pack, you're one step closer to connecting with Turkish speakers worldwide.

    You can find documentation regarding installation instructions at the link below.

    Installing a ready-made language pack

  • Empower your community members with the ability to submit, explore, and engage with routes like never before. The Routes application seamlessly integrates with your Invision Community platform, enhancing user experience and fostering a vibrant community around outdoor activities, travel, and exploration.

    1. Route Submission: Users can effortlessly submit routes directly through the application. They can provide detailed descriptions, upload GPX files, share captivating images and videos, and specify route-specific information such as distance, activity type, difficulty level, weather conditions, surface type, and elevation. This comprehensive data ensures that every route submission is rich in information, guiding fellow adventurers accurately.

    2. Interactive Map Display: Harnessing the power of OpenStreetMap, our application provides an intuitive and interactive map interface. Users can visualize routes seamlessly, plan their adventures with precision, and explore routes submitted by others within the community.

    3. Community Engagement: Foster community interaction and collaboration through route commenting and reviews. Users can share their experiences, offer tips and recommendations, and engage in discussions related to specific routes. This social aspect enriches the community experience, encouraging camaraderie and knowledge-sharing among members.

    4. Robust Filtering and Search: With a vast repository of routes at their disposal, users can easily discover routes tailored to their preferences. Our application offers robust filtering and search functionalities, enabling users to narrow down their options based on criteria such as activity type, difficulty level, location, and more. Whether they're seeking a leisurely hike or a challenging cycling route, finding the perfect adventure has never been easier.

    5. Responsive Design: Our application boasts a responsive design, ensuring seamless accessibility across devices of all sizes. Whether users are accessing the platform from their desktops, tablets, or smartphones, they can enjoy a consistent and optimized experience, enhancing usability and convenience.

    6. GPX files: Users have the convenience of downloading GPX files for any submitted route, enabling them to seamlessly transfer routes to their own devices, such as GPS devices, smartphones, or fitness trackers, for offline navigation and exploration. Ability to link to the same route on the Strava platform. This feature ensures flexibility and accessibility, empowering users to take their adventures beyond the digital realm and into the great outdoors easily.

    • Compatibility and Integration:

      • Fully compatible with IPS framework, including Clubs, Reactions, Recommendations, Follow, Search, Tags, Reports, RSS Feed, Advertisements, Bulk Mail, Sitemap, Achievements and Ranks.
    • Route Submission and Management:

      • Unlimited categories of routes with parent-child relationships.
      • Ability to comment and review routes, with optional moderation.
      • Ability to rate routes using star ratings, set per category.
      • Ability to create polls.
      • Extra Fields for category-specific information.
    • User Interaction and Engagement:

      • Share Links functionality.
      • Activity Streams integration.
      • Notifications for new routes and comments.
      • Ability to follow/like categories and routes.
      • Drag & drop category reordering in ACP.
      • Friendly URLs for routes and categories.
      • Ability to configure the Routes Index page to display the blocks you want.
  • Link: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/217-anonymous-browsing-toggle/

    This resource will allow your chosen usergroups to toggle browsing your site anonymously.


    • Only users from groups that are allowed to login anonymously will be able to use this resource.
  • This application will allow admins and moderators to disable all email notifications from other members directly in their ACP and public profiles.

    You must enable a new moderator permission if you want moderators to use the resource. All actions are logged.

  • Visually based on the Providers Directory from IPS, this app will allow members to offer their services in your community. You can verify the record and allow members to bump their records, which will bring them to the top of the listing. Members can submit only one record.


    • Flexible options to enable comments and reviews system.
    • Extra Fields.
    • Profile tab to display the record submitted by the profile owner.


    • You can establish designated badges to refine and focus the organization of records.

    Other Features:

    • Integrated with the framework, including features such as search, tags, follow functionality, reactions, and more.
    • Support to Rest API
    • Support to Webhooks
    • More...


    • Settings to control the app behavior in several places/situations.
  • This is a basic auction system for Invision Community.

    Applications Features:

    • Create multiple sections with different user permissions (Can view, can add, can bid...).
    • Auction title, item description, item image, start amount, reserve amount.
    • Notification when a user is overbidden.
    • Home page widget, The admin can add multiple widgets.

    The application is planned to be expanded to include more and more features, feel free to post your requests/suggestions in the support section.

    The first 3 buyers for the application will get a discount of 40% - then the price will be $50.

  • This resouce provides the ability to:

    • present a HTML5 player for remotely hosted audio & video files.
    • present a HTML5 player for locally attached video files which were added to your site prior to the installation of Invision Community Suite 4.3 (a native experience was added by Invision with that release)
    • present a HTML5 player for locally attached audio files which were added to your site prior to the installation of Invision Community Suite 4.6 (a native experience was added by Invision with that release)
    • control the group to whom the player is displayed (for both remotely hosted and locally attached audio/video files), along with the locations in the suite where that group will see a player
    • implement additional controls over the player, browser-support allowing, such as:
    • disabling right-click for the player
    • apply a workaround to attempt to allow uploaded .mov files to be played in Chrome & Edge

    Please note the following:

    • Support does not extend to assisting you with researching how to add a specific audio/video file/codec to your browser (Google is your friend in this situation)
    • Want to test your browser's ability to show a HTML5 player? Go here: https://tools.woolyss.com/html5-audio-video-tester/
  • Arabic translation for invision community (All apps) - Front-end only.

  • This application lets your members choose an image to display their "mood" in various places all over the IPS Suite.



    • Frontend
      • Members
        • Members in groups allowed to use the moods application will be able to update their own mood anywhere it's displayed on the page with a modal form.
        • Members, based on some settings, can decide to show or not a log of all their mood updates in a new tab in their profile.
      • Locations (mobile view is also supported)
        • Global user menu
        • Hovercards
        • Profiles (3 different locations)
        • Topics
        • Announcements
        • Downloads Files
        • Gallery Images
        • Online Users
        • Staff Directory
        • Report Center
        • Manual integration for Pages (CMS) templates is supported, too!
      • Widgets
        • Member Mood (Logged In): shows the mood of the member currently logged in.
        • Member Mood (Static): shows the mood of a specific member (chosen when setting up the mood).
        • Recent Mood Updates: shows a list of the latest mood updates.
    • ACP
      • Moods
        • Add/edit/delete mood images.
        • Enable/disable specific moods.
        • Set any specific mood as the default one.
        • Deleting a mood resets all members to use the current default mood.
        • Mood names are translatable if your community uses multiple language packs.
        • Pie chart to get a global view of all the moods in use and the most used ones.
        • Tool to sort moods based on filename or name with an additional option for the default mood.
        • Warning if some disabled moods are currently in use by members and a tool to mass update them to something else.
      • Settings
        • Select which groups can use moods. Scondary groups are checked too!
        • Enable receiving notifications when a followed member updates their mood.
        • Exclude certain themes from showing moods.
        • Choose between SELECT or RADIO forms when members update their moods.
          • Options to enable/disable every area the moods show in (global user menu, topic view, profile etc).
        • Extra code on how to integrate the mood in Pages (CMS) templates (if the application is installed).
        • Radio form has an additional option to skip adding the names to save space.
      • History Logs
        • Enable/disable the mood updates logging (if enabled a new profile tab with all the updates each member made).
        • Option to enable/disable the profile tab globally or to let each member choose for themselves.
        • Option to enable a task for pruning history logs every X days/weeks.
      • Tools
        • A tool to mass import entire folders of images to use as moods:
          • A tool to remove legacy data from the previous 3.x version of the application.
          • All options allow to choose the new default mood image.
          • An 'Add' option to add the images to the current moods.
        • A 'Replace' option to wipe out the current moods, reset the data, and start from scratch.
      • Supported Extensions
        • Achievements: setup rules to provide points or badges when a member updates their mood.
        • IP Addresses: every mood update logs the IP which is fully integrated in the 'IP Address Tools' member area.
        • Edit Member: allows to edit the mood and profile tab setting editing a member.
        • Member History: additional account activity entries when editing a member (requires 'History Logs' enabled).
        • Member Sync: merging or deleting members doesn't leave orphan data around.
        • Notifications: all notification types supported (email, inline, push).
        • Profile Tab: a new tab that show all mood updates the member has made (requires 'History Logs' enabled).
        • Stream Items: mood updates will also show as extra items in the activity stream.


    The "BBSmiley" mood packs have been created by "Shelley" and could be originally found on the site "https://www.bbsmiley.com/". I was given permission to include the images through a PM on the site.


    Unfortunately the "https://www.bbsmiley.com/" site is currently unavailable so I don't know how to contact "Shelley" anymore. If anyone knows her new site please let me know so that I can update the site address.

  • This application lets you send Custom PMs for Commerce Products, similar to how Custom Emails work. Custom PMs are subject to a custom notification option, if it's disabled nothing is sent.


    • Custom PMs are sent out at the same time as Custom Emails.
    • Custom PMs can be set per product: Purchase, Expire Soon, Expire.
    • Both the subject and content for all three PMs are fully translatable.
    • Admins can set up the default notification value in ACP, and members can update their notification option choice anytime.


    • Each purchase entitles you to use the modification on a single Community installation.
  • We take a fundamentally different approach to building great communities on the modern web. We focus on the hard questions of strategy, and believe communities of all sizes can succeed with the right passion and strategy.

  • We believe in learning from expert education and best-in-class advice to inspire us. We built some of the world's largest resources for community building, and won't stop sharing the best advice from the smartest people we can find.

  • Modern communities deserve modern approach to community building. We believe in pushing everyone to a more forward-thinking approach to building great communities that thrive on the modern web.

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