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  • CMX Dictionary

    The world's most definitive dictionary on online community management and strategy.
    1. Web hosting

      Aliases: Website hosting, Server hosting, Internet hosting, Online site hosting

      Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible on the internet by storing it on a server.

    2. UX Testing

      Aliases: User experience testing, Usability testing, UX research, User testing

      UX testing involves evaluating a product or service (such as a website) by testing it with real users to identify usability issues and improve the overall user experience.

    3. Trolling

      Aliases: trolls,

      Trolling refers to the act of deliberately posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in online forums or social media platforms with the intention of provoking others and disrupting conversations.

    4. Town Hall trap

      Aliases: town hall

      Online communities can fall into the trap of designing a Town Hall, where there's a lot of public conversation and talk, but no action. 

    5. Threads

      Aliases: topics

      Threads refer to the series of messages or responses that are connected in a particular discussion or conversation, often seen in online forums or social media platforms.

    6. Presence

      Aliases: Telepresence

      Presence refers to the state or quality of being present or available in a particular space or environment, whether physically or virtually.

    7. Gruen Effect

      Aliases: Target Effect

      The Gruen Effect refers to the phenomenon where an intentionally overwhelming and sensory-rich shopping environment causes consumers to make impulsive purchases.

    8. power users

      Aliases: superusers, supercontributors

      Power users or Superusers are individuals who have extensive knowledge and experience using a particular technology or software and utilize its full capabilities, often serving as expert resources within a community.

    9. External attribution

      Aliases: situational attribution

      External attribution refers to the tendency of individuals to attribute the causes of behavior to external factors or situational influences rather than internal factors or personal characteristics.

    10. User Registration

      Aliases: Sign-up process, Account creation, Registration form, Enrollment

      User registration is the process through which new users provide necessary information to create personal accounts on a digital platform.

    11. Salience Bias

      Aliases: salient bias

      Salience Bias refers to the tendency of individuals to focus on the most noticeable or important aspects of an experience, often overshadowing other relevant yet less prominent information.

    12. Reputation

      Aliases: rank, karma

      Reputation refers to the collective evaluation of an individual or entity's character, reliability, and trustworthiness based on past behavior and interactions.

    13. Sense of community

      Aliases: psychological sense of community

      Sense of community refers to the feeling of belonging, connection, and shared identity among individuals within a particular group or community.

    14. Recognition

      Aliases: prestige

      Recognition refers to the act of acknowledging, appreciating, or validating someone's achievements, contributions, or qualities, often providing a sense of value and affirmation.

    15. PreCommitment

      Aliases: precommitment pact

      The Psychology of Precommitment suggests that by committing to a goal in advance, individuals are less likely to procrastinate and more likely to achieve the intended outcome.

    16. lurker

      Aliases: passive lurker

      Passive lurker refers to an individual who observes online content without actively participating in any discussions or engagements. 

    17. Online research community

      Aliases: online feedback community

      An online research community is a virtual platform where people can connect, share information, and collaborate on research projects in various fields.

    18. Nudging

      Aliases: nudge

      Nudges are gentle pushes or reminders that guide people toward making better decisions or engaging in more constructive ways.

    19. newcomer selection

      Aliases: newcomer screening

      One of the five basic issues identified by Robert Kraut in his book Building Successful Online Communities is selecting members who are a good fit. 

    20. User Profile

      Aliases: Member profile, Account details, User account, Profile page

      A user profile is a collection of personal data and preferences associated with a specific user on a digital platform, used to personalize experiences and manage access.

    21. Email Bombs

      Aliases: mass emailings

      Email bombs refer to the practice of sending a massive number of emails to overwhelm and disrupt the recipient's email account or system.

    22. Community of position

      Aliases: location-based community

      A community of position refers to a group of individuals who share a common stance or opinion on a particular issue, forming a collective identity based on their shared position.

    23. Netiquette

      Aliases: internet etiquette

      Netiquette is a set of informal rules and guidelines that dictate how people should behave and communicate with each other online.

    24. online community

      Aliases: internet community, web community

      An online community refers to a group of people who come together virtually to share information, ideas, and interests, typically through social media platforms, forums, and chat rooms.

    25. Clan

      Aliases: guild, faction, squad, alliance, team

      A clan is a group of people who share a common ancestry, culture, or interest and work together as a unit.

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